All projects and exhibits entered in the Durham Regional Science Fair must meet the following safety rules.
- The exhibit is no more than 3.5m high, 1.2m wide and 0.8m deep.
- The exhibit is self-standing and stable.
- Any display or backboard must be unlikely to ignite and must not be comprised of entirely paper products, including but not limited to bristol board, wood and cardboard.
- All hazardous or moving parts must be protected.
- Your exhibit does not contain pressurized containers.
- Your exhibit does not contain any open flames.
- Any radio-isotopes are sealed properly and at normal background activity.
- Your exhibit does not contain flammable or poisonous materials.
- Power cables are CSA approved and can provide proper grounding.
- All electrical connections are insulated.
- Any non-current carrying metal materials used are grounded properly.
- Your exhibit/project does not generate voltages above 10kV.
- Any exposed live components are at a potential of less than 36 V to ground.
- Lasers are not operated during public display.
- X-ray and other high radiation sources are registered and approved by provincial authorities.
- Live animals are not displayed at any point.
- Procedures or activities that could harm or distress human/animal subjects have not been used in your project.
- There are no biological toxins present in your exhibit.
- You have not performed experimiental manipulations with recombinant DNA or animal viruses.